en gros, quand tu joue un chapitre space marines, tu as plusieurs règles qui se cumul:
-COMBAT DOCTRINES propres à toute les marines
-Chapter Tactics propres à chaque chapitre, soit blood angels, soit chapitre successeur
-Blood Angels Detachment Rules
Pour les blood angels, spécifiquement tu as :
Though they strive to restrain it, the murderous ferocity of the Blood Angels simmers beneath the surface of their thoughts. In battle, this rage drives them towards the foe and lends great strength to their blows.
Add 1 to Advance rolls and charge rolls made for units with this tactic.
Each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack, if that model’s unit made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, add 1 to that attack’s wound roll.
-COMBAT DOCTRINES c'est la que tu as la doctrine devastator, tactique et assaut
-Blood Angels Detachment Rules la typiquement
The shock assaults of the Blood Angels are legendary, their warriors never halting for an instant or allowing their foes to recover. Few outside the Chapter realise it, but this is the Blood Angels as they really are, the suppression of their bloodlust lifted for but an instant.
Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, each time this unit fights, if it made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit.
Désolé pour l'anglais, je n'ai que les infos du site Wahapedia pour te donner les infos que tu cherches .
Tu as la possibilité de customiser ton armée et de jouer un chapitre successeur, tu perds alors la regle
BLOOD ANGELS: RED THIRST, que tu remplaces par SUCCESSOR CHAPTER TACTICS, de ton choix.